The Planning Guide
Sweet Sixteen
High School Proms
Girls Night Out
The Prowler
Weddings Marriage
Family Reunions
Change Of Seasons
Finding romance and
real love is a challenge. Crushes puppy love and infatuation masquerade
as love. Today's heart throb of flirt buddy may be tomorrows has
been. Uh! When eyes
first meet.
High school
flirts, teenage crushes to capture the essence and excitement of
infatuation to have for a life time would be a dream come true.
To be all giddy with laughter about some one you saw across the room.
To feel the excited racing of your heart with hope. The young
encounter  these rushes on a daily basis. It's
like an addiction that calls you back time and time again.
Romance and love are not necesarily the same thing. One
can have a romantic interlude and not be in love. Romance makes
the heart glade and sing with joy. Just like an infactuation it is full
of excitement. There are many people who can never get past the
exitement that is found in romance. Once the excitement dies off they
loss interest.
Two strangers meeting in the night can share the call of the
wild. Finding delight in the sights, and sents, of passionate embraces.
Real romance is a dance of passions and interactions. It's a
heady attraction that pulls to people together in a flowing rush of
There are many suddulties to a love relationship and it's
seasons. True love passes through many seasons and continues to
grow.  The old wedding vow speaks volumes
about true love. It is a dance that requires the partners to be in sync
with each other lest someone's feet are constantly being stepped on.
Love can be a strange thing of pain and ecstasy. One is in
pain and the other is in ecstasy. Ones in love the other is not.